F.A.M.I.L.Y 001 @ Ground Luxembourg

DJ SAV & PACKO GUALANDRIS introduce F.A.M.I.L.Y 001 @ GROUND Luxembourg!
which means ~ Friends.And.Music.I.Love.You ~

This brand new concept is straight about music, love and togetherness. We would like to share these feelings and energies on the dancefloor with our beloved electronic f.a.m.i.l.y. and one of our beloved DJs.

For the first edition our guest comes straight from Switzerland:
supported by
PACKO GUALANDRIS (Oberkorn Studios, Overjoy Records) & DJ SAV (Omni Tech)

~Come in peace and go out in love~

► 22h00 – 03h00 ► Powered by Void & MM Acoustics
► 2 floors / Main Floor & Bar ► No reservation
CovidCheck.lu / test PCR !!

48 Rue de Hollerich
1740 LUXEMBOURGMore Infos :+352621700361 📲

GROUND Luxembourg FanPage : https://www.facebook.com/groundluxembourg

F.A.M.I.L.Y 001 @ GROUND Luxembourg Facebook Event